
went to eat bak kuh teh with my parents in the morninggg,then i asked my father to drive me to lot1 because i need to pass my vid cam to kennethhh=)
i rusheddd theree lorh-.-okay so after that we went to buy you tiao&dou hua at yew tee=D
i ateee the you tiao in the carrrrr coz i coulddn't resist the temptationnnn of it=P
headed to IKEA in the afternoon with my dad,mom,aunt&cousin=DD
so wee went to eat sth beforee looking arndd,had fish & chips,chocolate mousse,chocolate almond cake and carrot juice=DDwas VERYY full after eating this much,the food was very nicee though its cheap=D
so wentttt to look at the furnitures and my aunt bought two bookshelves,they intended to buy a comp chair and a comp table but it was out of stock-.-
so we wentt to collect the stuffs ourselves and it was quite funnnn pushing the cart=D
then they went to settle the bills and etc while my mom and i went to the IKEA food shop to buy sth,bought the super combination:meatballs,meatballs' sauce,fruit jam and whip cream^^
after which we went to GIANT which was just opp IKEA butttt we spent quite a long time getting there coz the roads there were one way=X
okkk so i manage to buy my eye makeup-removerr and one eyeliner=))
HEHE!weee headed off to ECP agn and had our dinner there,wahahahaha
it wassss a VERYY fun day out with my familyy<33
had piano lessons at 2pm and it ended at 3.45,LONGGG lesson but i only did my theory,no playinggg on the piano at all=xx
after that i went to meet yh coz i told her to passs me her AM paper,i lost itttt0.0
then i dragged her to accompany to buy my sch baggg,hahas,firsttly we went to orchardd but there weren't any nicee ones so we went to venezia and bought ice-cream to eat instead,hahas:)
nxt stop was marina squaree,hahas,i actually intended to buy the WHITE puma bag,notice i enlarge on the word WHITE,lols,and i did not buy it because it was WHITE=xxx
whiteeeeee gets so dirtyy easily0.0
so we went to royal sportings house and i boughttt an adidas bag there=)))
it was black=DDDDD
reacheed home at arndd 8+ anddddddd im going to play audition ltr~
the sad thing is sch is reopening on monday=xxxxxxxidontwantttttlaaaaa
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