went to do my ic with my dad in the morningg !!!it was quite a longg trip laa,hahas=P
actually my registration dates have alrdy ended but i was still allowed to do my ic^^
conclusion=the dates they statedd in the letter are just to scare you
so after that we went to raffles place to shop arndd and we hadd our lunch at a restaurant
i think im going to grow fat agn coz i was eating noodles some time ago and my stomach still havee space for pork chop & salmon=X
so we ordered 2 pork chop& salmon anddddd I wass still nott full=X
walkedd arnd the placee for dim sum and in the end we didn't buy any dim sum but a variety of cakes and kueh instead=D
hahas,we went home at 2+ anddd i bought a magazinee on the way home
it was an enjoyable day with my dad=DDWAAHAHAHA
im not eatingg so much for dinner ltrr and my parents are going malaysia at night
tmr's gonna be a fun day^^
oh & im not going for tmr's cls outingg....
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