friday's a VERY packed day.....
and chem prac tdy was suckyyyyy,i couldn't get the right orange colour for titration and had to keep on doing it agn and agnnn-.-and mrs tay was like observing what we were doingggg.......she's like the fiercest teacher i have ever meet in my whole life
then we had pe lessons for the last period at 3pm.....the sun is like so damn hot but luckily mr hiap only ask us to run two rounds around the field:DDDi think he's a very nice pe teacher,heheheeeeeeeeee
then we had this stupid high jump thingy....and i was super paisehhhh-.-
after i jump there was a roar of laughter........and u can imaginee how clumsy im in high jump,I COULDN'T JUMP LA,everybody's like so pro in jumping,eyuckks,i hate high jump,shoo
went lot1 to grab some finger-food and buy some stuffs at pop before going home:DDD
YAY THE WEEKENDS ARE FINALLY HEREEEEE!!:DDDDDbut i had tuition tmr at 6.30pm with piggggg,hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,i've like hell loads of phy questions to askk:xxx
and chem prac tdy was suckyyyyy,i couldn't get the right orange colour for titration and had to keep on doing it agn and agnnn-.-and mrs tay was like observing what we were doingggg.......she's like the fiercest teacher i have ever meet in my whole life
then we had pe lessons for the last period at 3pm.....the sun is like so damn hot but luckily mr hiap only ask us to run two rounds around the field:DDDi think he's a very nice pe teacher,heheheeeeeeeeee
then we had this stupid high jump thingy....and i was super paisehhhh-.-
after i jump there was a roar of laughter........and u can imaginee how clumsy im in high jump,I COULDN'T JUMP LA,everybody's like so pro in jumping,eyuckks,i hate high jump,shoo
went lot1 to grab some finger-food and buy some stuffs at pop before going home:DDD
YAY THE WEEKENDS ARE FINALLY HEREEEEE!!:DDDDDbut i had tuition tmr at 6.30pm with piggggg,hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,i've like hell loads of phy questions to askk:xxx
i went to have pizza hut after school ytd:DDDDDDDDand i bought a super chio green file for phy at the popular....hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa
then today was SUPER slack,i only have cse lecture and gp tutorial...........
had two hours of break:))))i love breaks,can make use of the time to catch up with new classmates,revise my work.............
and i kinda like my classs:DDDDDDhehehehhe,i think jc life is like tiring but alot of more fun,and i joined interact club today,didn't expect so many ppl to be joining it..........:xxxx
i had a phobia for chem tutorials now,mrs tay is like SUPER fierce,and i think it's very stressful to attend her lessons:xxxxxx
ummm,im still thinking of what to bring for tmr's pw tutorial,we are having show and tell i think........>.<
then today was SUPER slack,i only have cse lecture and gp tutorial...........
had two hours of break:))))i love breaks,can make use of the time to catch up with new classmates,revise my work.............
and i kinda like my classs:DDDDDDhehehehhe,i think jc life is like tiring but alot of more fun,and i joined interact club today,didn't expect so many ppl to be joining it..........:xxxx
i had a phobia for chem tutorials now,mrs tay is like SUPER fierce,and i think it's very stressful to attend her lessons:xxxxxx
ummm,im still thinking of what to bring for tmr's pw tutorial,we are having show and tell i think........>.<
second day of orientation:DDDDD
it started with station games and most of the games were really niceeee:DDDDesp water games...but there was this ogl who actually poured soap+flour water into my eyes and my contact lens nearly came out:xxxxxxi immediately ran to the toilet barefooted to put it backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,LOL,luckily i managed to put it back or i won't be able to enjoy any other games in the noon:xx
after which it was the veryveryveryvery superubeeeeer fun mass dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think pjc really have alot of high ppl,ahha........i was very high alsooooo,lol
back in bp i was never high at all,i think bpians areeee like a rather un-high group of ppl....LOL if compared with pioneers la
and then it was OG time and WAR GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was FEELING ULTRA dirty and smelly at the same time,LOL,but everyone else was too
HAHAHA................anw back to war games,i was being the defender to protect ursa's carriers but instead of defending them i was like dodging from the water bags,hahaha,but it was fun too,all the cheerings and screamings:)
then left sch at almost 7..:D
i love mass dance alot,LOL,and fun dance was likeeee super cool,i like the OIOIOIOIOI part!
then it was clan timeeeeeeeeeeeee to prepare for the finale:DDD
oh did i mention abt our sch setting the record for the biggest logo using stars,LOL.......
here comes the highlight of the dayyyy:D
we had our dinner which was just so-so and many performers from diff clans started dancinngggggggggggg~~
and it was mass dance right after tht:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i had to emphazise on how FUN the whole thing was,lol..........
the finale ended and guess what time we were dismissed haha....9.30:)and here im writing this post at 11.20pm..........
anw,i didn't expect myself to enjoy orientation so much,stellar orientation was DAMN AWESOMEEEEEEEE:DDD
second day of orientation:DDDDD
it started with station games and most of the games were really niceeee:DDDDesp water games...but there was this ogl who actually poured soap+flour water into my eyes and my contact lens nearly came out:xxxxxxi immediately ran to the toilet barefooted to put it backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,LOL,luckily i managed to put it back or i won't be able to enjoy any other games in the noon:xx
after which it was the veryveryveryvery superubeeeeer fun mass dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think pjc really have alot of high ppl,ahha........i was very high alsooooo,lol
back in bp i was never high at all,i think bpians areeee like a rather un-high group of ppl....LOL if compared with pioneers la
and then it was OG time and WAR GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was FEELING ULTRA dirty and smelly at the same time,LOL,but everyone else was too
HAHAHA................anw back to war games,i was being the defender to protect ursa's carriers but instead of defending them i was like dodging from the water bags,hahaha,but it was fun too,all the cheerings and screamings:)
then left sch at almost 7..:D
i love mass dance alot,LOL,and fun dance was likeeee super cool,i like the OIOIOIOIOI part!
then it was clan timeeeeeeeeeeeee to prepare for the finale:DDD
oh did i mention abt our sch setting the record for the biggest logo using stars,LOL.......
here comes the highlight of the dayyyy:D
we had our dinner which was just so-so and many performers from diff clans started dancinngggggggggggg~~
and it was mass dance right after tht:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i had to emphazise on how FUN the whole thing was,lol..........
the finale ended and guess what time we were dismissed haha....9.30:)and here im writing this post at 11.20pm..........
anw,i didn't expect myself to enjoy orientation so much,stellar orientation was DAMN AWESOMEEEEEEEE:DDD
my FIRST pe lesson at pjc was @(*&23!
had to run 3.2km plus another 1.6km-.-
urghhhh~~~~~and i felt very nauseous after the run
then it was break and blahblahblah
had a whole of 3.5 hr of break today,cooooool,haha
and i had a nice time chatting with my friendsssssssss from bp,LOL
i love such talking sessions esp with mindset-alike ppl,lol...i used to hate talking/gossip sessions in bp coz i think my friends and i can't click,and the topics they talk about are always so damnn boring,always revolving arnd the same old topics
although im VERYVERY exhausted now but i still look forward to tmrrrrr
anw,thr's headstart programme tmr and i bet it's some kinda of talks which is going to BORE the students to death...>.<
going to bathe right nowwwwwwwwwwwww~feeling so sticky ,eww
my FIRST pe lesson at pjc was @(*&23!
had to run 3.2km plus another 1.6km-.-
urghhhh~~~~~and i felt very nauseous after the run
then it was break and blahblahblah
had a whole of 3.5 hr of break today,cooooool,haha
and i had a nice time chatting with my friendsssssssss from bp,LOL
i love such talking sessions esp with mindset-alike ppl,lol...i used to hate talking/gossip sessions in bp coz i think my friends and i can't click,and the topics they talk about are always so damnn boring,always revolving arnd the same old topics
although im VERYVERY exhausted now but i still look forward to tmrrrrr
anw,thr's headstart programme tmr and i bet it's some kinda of talks which is going to BORE the students to death...>.<
going to bathe right nowwwwwwwwwwwww~feeling so sticky ,eww
mass lectures......
i personally feel that pjc canteen food kinda suck,the cafe's food is so much btr:DDD
had baked potato w chicken and mango ice blend ytd:)ahhaha im going to try the sandwich nxt mon:))))))
and i think my life in pjc is so far so good,haha........because of the company:)))
i counted the no. of ppl who took the same course as me and there were only 41 ppl out of like 800ppl
HHAHAHA....so the possibility of me and ys being in the same cls is high:DDDDDDDDDDD
im going to be so freaked out nxt tue abt the cls postings,pls let me be in the same cls with YS!
went town alone for my appt at paragon then just walked around and went kino to buy stationeries:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i have manymany vibrant coloured files now,wheeeeeeee
and im VERY exhausted now!
nevertheless,i hope orientation will be fun nxt week!!!!:D
mass lectures......
i personally feel that pjc canteen food kinda suck,the cafe's food is so much btr:DDD
had baked potato w chicken and mango ice blend ytd:)ahhaha im going to try the sandwich nxt mon:))))))
and i think my life in pjc is so far so good,haha........because of the company:)))
i counted the no. of ppl who took the same course as me and there were only 41 ppl out of like 800ppl
HHAHAHA....so the possibility of me and ys being in the same cls is high:DDDDDDDDDDD
im going to be so freaked out nxt tue abt the cls postings,pls let me be in the same cls with YS!
went town alone for my appt at paragon then just walked around and went kino to buy stationeries:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i have manymany vibrant coloured files now,wheeeeeeee
and im VERY exhausted now!
nevertheless,i hope orientation will be fun nxt week!!!!:D
i was lateeee for the second time ytd@.@
didn't get marked la but the ogt kinda warned me not to be late anymoreeee:X
so ytd was rather slacky as we had alot of breaks:)and the fun part was when we saw *****,HAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,pig's guess was righttt
then there was cca exhibition in the noon,joined interact club,but im now hesitating to join taekwondo,LOL............kk,just jkjkjkjkjkjk
today was rather boring,just attending mass lectures
btwwwwww,i changed my sub combi to math,chem,phy,cse:D
im so afraid i cnt cope with phy:((((
anw,today's cse was at LT1 which was damnnnnnn stuffy:xxxxxxi was like fanning myself with theeeee cse notes throughout three-quarters of the lecture@.@
i can't stand heat for goodness sakee-.-
didn't get marked la but the ogt kinda warned me not to be late anymoreeee:X
so ytd was rather slacky as we had alot of breaks:)and the fun part was when we saw *****,HAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,pig's guess was righttt
then there was cca exhibition in the noon,joined interact club,but im now hesitating to join taekwondo,LOL............kk,just jkjkjkjkjkjk
today was rather boring,just attending mass lectures
btwwwwww,i changed my sub combi to math,chem,phy,cse:D
im so afraid i cnt cope with phy:((((
anw,today's cse was at LT1 which was damnnnnnn stuffy:xxxxxxi was like fanning myself with theeeee cse notes throughout three-quarters of the lecture@.@
i can't stand heat for goodness sakee-.-
hahaha....pjc orientation ytd kinda suck for me but i think i enjoyed myself alot tdy ,ahahhahaha,i makeeee a few new friends but from tmw onwards i won't be with the same OG anymoreeeeeeee,urgghhhh
the other bpian in my OG is renjie,lol.....and he's wanying's childhood playmate?LOL
anw,i was late for sch tdy!the second day of schhhhh-.-but luckily there was no record as latecomer:DDso pheeew~~~
ok i've decided to appeal for econs,so my sub combi will beee math,chem,geo,econs...:)
andddd tmr's another slack day,talks in the morn then introductory lectures for the rest of the day...
thur and fri will be mass lectureeeeeeee:)then the real orientation will start next wed and i will know my class by nxt tueeeeeeee,feel jittery abt it:(((
the other bpian in my OG is renjie,lol.....and he's wanying's childhood playmate?LOL
anw,i was late for sch tdy!the second day of schhhhh-.-but luckily there was no record as latecomer:DDso pheeew~~~
ok i've decided to appeal for econs,so my sub combi will beee math,chem,geo,econs...:)
andddd tmr's another slack day,talks in the morn then introductory lectures for the rest of the day...
thur and fri will be mass lectureeeeeeee:)then the real orientation will start next wed and i will know my class by nxt tueeeeeeee,feel jittery abt it:(((
went to concorde hotel for reunion dinner:)and the dining area is in the ballroom so i actually thought there was a wedding taking place:Panw,the desserts are good:)i took alot of mini choc truffle:)
but i dun like lou hei:(but still have to 'yi si X2' take some

i have been eating reunion dinner with them for like almost 10 years

childhood playmates

my relatives came to my houseeeee to bai nian so i didn't go out at all:Dand i didn't take any photos because the cam was low batt-.-
went to my ah ma's hse and peen's hse:D

i think my brother looks funny hereeeeeeeeeeeeeee,like he smiles till very fake,HAHAHA

went to baibai at my auntie's houseee,after which i went to meet pig for JP:)bought alot of stuffs for sch:D

stay at home to rest!!!!i have been sleeping at 1+am almost everydayyyy which is so unlike of me:x
i got posted to PJC......
besties came to my hse to bai nian then me and pig headed for orchard to buy our organizers:)
then they had their dinner at my houseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,took alot of nonsensical & ugly pics:Pim only putting someee more presentable shots:X

she looks blurrish in most of the shots....:X



my face is as round as a full moon-.-


went to meet pig and we went queensway shopping centre agn.....LOL,then to anchor pointttttt,then homeeeee........the sweetcorn at queensway is so ex but NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
sent my bro off to brunei later at night:DDDDDDbon voyaaaaaaaaaaaaaage