heheh.....my mommy is bringing me to buy curtains and quilt cover tmrr:D
i think my room's gonna be super awesome:)
btw my dad started ordering straits times for me.....& i had to read em everydayyyyyyy@.@but it's a good habit la,he did this so that my eng will improvee:)
i'll be like super busy next week!
sun:out withhh besties to buy sports shoes
mon:my daddy's bday
tue:delivery of my furnitures!i think i'll have loads of things to do that dayy
wed:backbone checkup with pig
thur:dental checkup
fri:an advance bai nian to my auntie's hseeee
on a side note, i think i'll miss alot of my friends in bp,esp my partnerr,sighhhhh.....and some teachers as well,like chen zhu ren,mr choo and ms phuaa
nevertheless,i really wish u all the best for ur jc/poly lifeeeeeeeeeeee:D
i think my room's gonna be super awesome:)
btw my dad started ordering straits times for me.....& i had to read em everydayyyyyyy@.@but it's a good habit la,he did this so that my eng will improvee:)
i'll be like super busy next week!
sun:out withhh besties to buy sports shoes
mon:my daddy's bday
tue:delivery of my furnitures!i think i'll have loads of things to do that dayy
wed:backbone checkup with pig
thur:dental checkup
fri:an advance bai nian to my auntie's hseeee
on a side note, i think i'll miss alot of my friends in bp,esp my partnerr,sighhhhh.....and some teachers as well,like chen zhu ren,mr choo and ms phuaa
nevertheless,i really wish u all the best for ur jc/poly lifeeeeeeeeeeee:D
At 9:36 PM ,
J said...
It's okay lah.
We can still meet up aye?
Exams nearing can study together,
after exams can relax together,
when free can go shopping together...
At 5:51 PM ,
linxin said...
haha...yeaaaaaaaa,must meet up arhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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