can play mahjoong onlineee leh:D
hmt's paper was ok today:D:D
finally there's a paper which i think i can do quite well
anyway i went out with my family after school today:D:D
an enjoyable day out though i didn't get anything for myself
we went to a thai templeee before heading to IKEA:D:D
i ate alot:chocolate mousse,half of my father's fish sau ,7pcs meatballs,a cup of mixed fruit salad,chicken wings.....
anyway the food's fab:D:Dso nevermind the gain of weight:D:D
bought a packet of meatballs from the swedish shop:D:D
then we headed over to courts which was just a few metres away:D:D
after leaving courts....we went to farmart:D:D
fed the fishes,looked arnd the placeee and left for homee:D:D
had a mini steamboat session for dinner:D:D
no piano lesson tmwww:D:Dwheeeee
finally there's a paper which i think i can do quite well
anyway i went out with my family after school today:D:D
an enjoyable day out though i didn't get anything for myself
we went to a thai templeee before heading to IKEA:D:D
i ate alot:chocolate mousse,half of my father's fish sau ,7pcs meatballs,a cup of mixed fruit salad,chicken wings.....
anyway the food's fab:D:Dso nevermind the gain of weight:D:D
bought a packet of meatballs from the swedish shop:D:D
then we headed over to courts which was just a few metres away:D:D
after leaving courts....we went to farmart:D:D
fed the fishes,looked arnd the placeee and left for homee:D:D
had a mini steamboat session for dinner:D:D
no piano lesson tmwww:D:Dwheeeee

this was what my brother bought last week:D:D
the shooting games are vv fun,hahas it's like the kinda experienceeee you get when you play them at the arcadeeee withhhhhh fake guns:xxxbut the bad thing is i cannot get used to reload by just pressing a button instead of shooting down
anyway i can't rmb what happen last week-.-my memory is failing
i want to upload pictures but there's sth wrong with my sukuu hp-.-
& my wireless connection was back ytd:D:D
it was down for more than a MONTH i think
btw,my ct was screwed up-.-i studied but most of which i studied were not tested:(
i don't really want to talk abt it coz the more i think of it the moreeee worried i get-.-
tmw's em& lit paper:D:D
hopefully i can managee to pass with flyinggggg kalours
happy cny everyonee=D
went to riverview hotel for buffet dinner on new year's eve
and they actually served laksa there,LOL and i waited for a goddaamn 20min for it-.-everybody was like asking where i had gone=x
the ambience is good with the cool breeze blowingg and the sea looked exceptionally beautiful with thee lights shone on itt:Dthumbsuppppppthumbsupppp..hahas
reached home and managed to watch the countdown show on channel8 but i didn't feel any festivee season at all:x
relatives cameee visiting my house on chu yi and i finally learnt how to play mahjoong:)
gambled and eat and gambled agnnnn.....lols
mahjoong is good,LOL helps to train our brain cells
went to bai nian on chu er but before tht we went to bugis 'hong guo' for lunch:))
played mahjoong and i had my first steamboat session tht day:)
went ' chun dao he pan ' on the night of chu san and it was as packed as last year,didn't really have a good look at the cny decorations and we even went to snatch the golden dust from the cai shen ye,the scene was so funny with so many ppl taking out their umbrellas to catch the golden dust,lols....had MOS burgerrr for supper before heading home
ys&yh came to my house and we had a great deal of time catching up with one another
watched CJ7 at cwp:Di think it was a great show but i dk why so many ppl think it's sucky:x
i nearly cried at some of the touchy scenes:x
my neighbors came to my hse at night & her baby daughter is superrr adorableee,she likes to play with 'long' stuffs.....:o
anyway school today was VVV tiring:x
going to watch TVEE noww~bye
went to riverview hotel for buffet dinner on new year's eve
and they actually served laksa there,LOL and i waited for a goddaamn 20min for it-.-everybody was like asking where i had gone=x
the ambience is good with the cool breeze blowingg and the sea looked exceptionally beautiful with thee lights shone on itt:Dthumbsuppppppthumbsupppp..hahas
reached home and managed to watch the countdown show on channel8 but i didn't feel any festivee season at all:x
relatives cameee visiting my house on chu yi and i finally learnt how to play mahjoong:)
gambled and eat and gambled agnnnn.....lols
mahjoong is good,LOL helps to train our brain cells
went to bai nian on chu er but before tht we went to bugis 'hong guo' for lunch:))
played mahjoong and i had my first steamboat session tht day:)
went ' chun dao he pan ' on the night of chu san and it was as packed as last year,didn't really have a good look at the cny decorations and we even went to snatch the golden dust from the cai shen ye,the scene was so funny with so many ppl taking out their umbrellas to catch the golden dust,lols....had MOS burgerrr for supper before heading home
ys&yh came to my house and we had a great deal of time catching up with one another
watched CJ7 at cwp:Di think it was a great show but i dk why so many ppl think it's sucky:x
i nearly cried at some of the touchy scenes:x
my neighbors came to my hse at night & her baby daughter is superrr adorableee,she likes to play with 'long' stuffs.....:o
anyway school today was VVV tiring:x
going to watch TVEE noww~bye