ytd my family went to maysprings condo to celebratemy uncle's gf's bday!!!LOL,they held the party at the clubhouse i supposed=x
anywayy,it was quitee fun laa even though we didn't really do anythingg much but family gatherings are greatt=)))it was a newly-built condo and the facilities are very neww,hahas^^
took some picturess and then we went up to my uncle's house to watch tvv=D
the ytd's channelu 9pm show was super hilarious laa!kept us laughing the whole while^^
okk so after that my cousin and i went to help my uncle to pack up and we headed home at arnd 10+
im staying at home today to do some of my homework,i don't want to leave it to the last minute coz last minute work is NEVER well-done,THEREFORE,im going to be a good girl and start on my home work after my breakfast!!!
oh one last thingg,my gb character lvl up lerh!!!^^
ps:i wantt go kbox tmr~~
ytd my family went to maysprings condo to celebratemy uncle's gf's bday!!!LOL,they held the party at the clubhouse i supposed=x
anywayy,it was quitee fun laa even though we didn't really do anythingg much but family gatherings are greatt=)))it was a newly-built condo and the facilities are very neww,hahas^^
took some picturess and then we went up to my uncle's house to watch tvv=D
the ytd's channelu 9pm show was super hilarious laa!kept us laughing the whole while^^
okk so after that my cousin and i went to help my uncle to pack up and we headed home at arnd 10+
im staying at home today to do some of my homework,i don't want to leave it to the last minute coz last minute work is NEVER well-done,THEREFORE,im going to be a good girl and start on my home work after my breakfast!!!
oh one last thingg,my gb character lvl up lerh!!!^^
ps:i wantt go kbox tmr~~

finally the holidays are here!!!HAHA,i know i haven been updating my blog for quiteee a long period of time and many many things happen during this week..
we had our cheering comp and my birthdayy was on the 22nd may too=))i cannot upload the photos onto the com now coz i carn find the connector for my camera so i've to wait till my father comes backk:x
got back my report book already and i failed two subjects;phy & am=(((
both were D7!!!!ARGGH=/
but anyway i got the 15th position in my class and im happy because of that,lol=D
went for my relatives' wedding dinner ytd at furama hotel and it was SUPER BORING!!!the food wasn't very delicious but i still ate alott=Ppictures are all in my camera so i cntt uploadd them for the time beingg
btw,i have LOTS of homework to complete laa and i doubt that i can finish them within this one month of holidays!=((siannn
but on a happier note,GSS IS HERE!!!WOOO,which means shopping&shopping&more shopping^^^^
im going to my uncle's condo tmr to celebrate his gf bday,i think its gonna be funn!=)))
oh and i want to thank those who wish me happy birthday and celebrate the day with me!!!thank you all!!!<33
i am currently usingg the computer at my living room,hahas~
blogger seems so fine on this computer but when i blog using the other computer ,it looks likeee derno what piece of *****,i guess i will blog using this computer whenever i have to,lols=))
about tue which is two days ago,me,wx and jane had our detention after school....
it was SUPER TEDIOUS coz we had to carry those bulky tables from the cabin at the field there to the hall!!!can you imagine the distance ,eeee!
and we had to carry them under the SUPER HOT sun=xxx
anyway detention ended earlier ad 4.30 coz it was supposed to end ad 5.30 initially ...
stayed back to watch the inter-class soccer match ,hahas,3p1 won!!!was soo happy for them laa and it was funn watchingg and cheeringgg for the guys=D
hahas,PE was fun ytd coz we were just slacking around and me,yl and regina form the sg's S.H.E
ok,got back our geo and el papers too,geo:33/50 and el:68/110
el's compre was badly done laa especially the summary,omgmgggg~
NO LESSONS TODAY coz we are having our leadership program and unexpectedly it turns out to be quite fun!other classes leadership program are like so sian but our class were like so high laa,screaming and shouting=xx
played quite a no. of games and one of the games is to balance 10 people on a single chair,wtth
that is like so difficult and my grp's members just keep on pulling my shirts:xxx
me and yl played twice lorhs coz fiona's grp don't have enough members to play the game so we just tagged along and played with them,hahass~
btw,TWO SUPER RED AND BIG AND DISGUSTING pimples just grown on my face!!!!omgg,i want to die laaa......EEEYER=((i just hope my pimples will vanish after tonight,arggh
blogger seems so fine on this computer but when i blog using the other computer ,it looks likeee derno what piece of *****,i guess i will blog using this computer whenever i have to,lols=))
about tue which is two days ago,me,wx and jane had our detention after school....
it was SUPER TEDIOUS coz we had to carry those bulky tables from the cabin at the field there to the hall!!!can you imagine the distance ,eeee!
and we had to carry them under the SUPER HOT sun=xxx
anyway detention ended earlier ad 4.30 coz it was supposed to end ad 5.30 initially ...
stayed back to watch the inter-class soccer match ,hahas,3p1 won!!!was soo happy for them laa and it was funn watchingg and cheeringgg for the guys=D
hahas,PE was fun ytd coz we were just slacking around and me,yl and regina form the sg's S.H.E
ok,got back our geo and el papers too,geo:33/50 and el:68/110
el's compre was badly done laa especially the summary,omgmgggg~
NO LESSONS TODAY coz we are having our leadership program and unexpectedly it turns out to be quite fun!other classes leadership program are like so sian but our class were like so high laa,screaming and shouting=xx
played quite a no. of games and one of the games is to balance 10 people on a single chair,wtth
that is like so difficult and my grp's members just keep on pulling my shirts:xxx
me and yl played twice lorhs coz fiona's grp don't have enough members to play the game so we just tagged along and played with them,hahass~
btw,TWO SUPER RED AND BIG AND DISGUSTING pimples just grown on my face!!!!omgg,i want to die laaa......EEEYER=((i just hope my pimples will vanish after tonight,arggh
ok just finished bathing and i suddenly feel like blogging..
got back quite a number of papers today:
am:48/80(I PASSS,this is the firstt time i pass an am paper)
chem:58.5/100(i thought i could do better than this,guess i have to try harder nxt time)
ss:13/25(ok i was quitee happy that i pass)
hmt:70/100(ummm,there were people who did much btr than me:x,lols)
i think i will be getting back em and el papers tmr,wish me good luck people=))
anyway i feel soo empty all of a sudden=(i don't knoww whyi am having this feelingg~~
guess it must be the works of moodswings=x
sometimes to realise you were well,someone must come along and hurt you.
got back quite a number of papers today:
am:48/80(I PASSS,this is the firstt time i pass an am paper)
chem:58.5/100(i thought i could do better than this,guess i have to try harder nxt time)
ss:13/25(ok i was quitee happy that i pass)
hmt:70/100(ummm,there were people who did much btr than me:x,lols)
i think i will be getting back em and el papers tmr,wish me good luck people=))
anyway i feel soo empty all of a sudden=(i don't knoww whyi am having this feelingg~~
guess it must be the works of moodswings=x
sometimes to realise you were well,someone must come along and hurt you.

went shopping ad orchard=)had venezia ice-cream(banana flavour) and it was nice,i always love venezia ice-cream,hahas
shopped arndd wisma then went kinokuniya to buy magazines=)after which i went to GUESS to look at the wallets,i am going to buy that pink wallet nxt week=))
oh and i bought my mother's day present toooo^^
headed to marina square andd had curry chicken with bread ad killiney's:D
it was cheap and good,costs like $5 onlyy:)
the next stop was raffles cittyyyy:)bought a transparent bag ad accessorize,i am bringing that bag tmr to school but my parents said it was SUPERR uglyy coz everything inside can be seen=Plols,no privaccy
i also bought a roxy pencil case coz my current pencil case has been dirtied by my green pen's ink:xxxxxxand it looks disgusting from the outside like some bird shit or stth=xx
went home ad arnd 6+,superr early laaa as i wasn't in the mood to shopp
was watching qiang wei zhi lian in the morning and it took me a VERY LONGG TIME to finish one single disc,lols i watch until very pekcek sia coz its like never ending=/
then i decided to watch it started with a kiss again and i am now at disc 4=)i still like this drama alottttttt,zheng yuan chang is SOOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO CUTEEEEEE!!!
anyway today was mother's day,hahas and my mother cooked verrry yummy food to celebratee this day,i loveee you mommmy!<3
exams are overrrrr now but surprisingly i don't have the mood to celebrate=x
anyway went to kbox on wed after am paper:)had alot of fun=D
actually i don't intend to go sch today but mr lim is returning phy paper so too badddd i have to urge myself to go sch=(
oh yianlu lent me the qiang wei zhi lian dvd but i haven start watching it yett,hahas,zheng yuan chang looks verrry gay in that showww=xxxhahas
went to cwp after sch today coz i wanted to eat the foodcourt's mee goreng=)))
btw i have been feeling sooosoooooosoooooosooooo tired this few days because of my stupid menses=xxx
yucks,i hate ittt
exams are overrrrr now but surprisingly i don't have the mood to celebrate=x
anyway went to kbox on wed after am paper:)had alot of fun=D
actually i don't intend to go sch today but mr lim is returning phy paper so too badddd i have to urge myself to go sch=(
oh yianlu lent me the qiang wei zhi lian dvd but i haven start watching it yett,hahas,zheng yuan chang looks verrry gay in that showww=xxxhahas
went to cwp after sch today coz i wanted to eat the foodcourt's mee goreng=)))
btw i have been feeling sooosoooooosoooooosooooo tired this few days because of my stupid menses=xxx
yucks,i hate ittt
i watched 200 pounds beauty from youtube just now and it was very nice!!!the lead actress is soo pretty:)))
anyway physics paper today was SUPERRR tough laa and i left out a lot of questions:(((
nvrmind,now i just need to work hard for my chem & geo,haven started revising geo yet:xx
and i was slacking the whole afternoon and using the comp from 2+ till now which is 7+
someboddy motivate me!!!
oh and i want to go shopping after mye!!!i want to have a haircut,eat all the delicious food in sg,watch spiderman 3,go escape andddddandddandddandddd just too many to list laa:p
hoohooooo,i need a rest....
anyway physics paper today was SUPERRR tough laa and i left out a lot of questions:(((
nvrmind,now i just need to work hard for my chem & geo,haven started revising geo yet:xx
and i was slacking the whole afternoon and using the comp from 2+ till now which is 7+
someboddy motivate me!!!
oh and i want to go shopping after mye!!!i want to have a haircut,eat all the delicious food in sg,watch spiderman 3,go escape andddddandddandddandddd just too many to list laa:p
hoohooooo,i need a rest....


200 pounds beauty songs are VERY nice!!!!i love dance with my daddy:)))))
anyway i went to yh's hse ytd to study:)reached her hse ad arnd 1+ then we go downstairs buy bubble tea(i had honey milk tea)
didn't really get to study much and we had a lot of stupid fun ,hahas
hohohohoooooooooo,after which we headed to cwp coz she wanted to buy her dinner there
bought some sweets and went home:)
tata!had cme and lit paper,i think both papers are rather okk,lets pray hard that i will do well for them:)
after school went to cwp with serene(high-class indian pigg)
lunched ad foodcourt and i ordered mee-goreng,YUMMMMMMY!!h.i.p had chicken chop,so super fat laaaaaaa,eeee
then we went to walk arnd,hahas walk until derno whr to go:xxxx
then ad arnd 2+ we went home and now i am at home blogging:D
tmr's hcl paper,gd luck!!!