ytd after sch watch initialD wib xinfang,chubin,jiale,tingyan n zhiying.........IT WAS DAM NICEE NORHZ.......edison chen sho SHUAI.........sho cool........jay chou alsho.........WHOO......!!!!!!!!!!......I LOVE EDISON CHEN........den at nite went mu gui ying......dar opera was sianz......den we go dere lyk watch 1 guy derhs lorz.........actuallie ish serene lar.....den gort 1 tyme we were in dar toilet den serene dint noe tt ms chiang was in dar toilet too....she scream sho loudly norhz......den ms chiang suddenly came out from dar handicap toilet wib her old fashion bag........we sae hello 2 her lar..........heess..........after tt moi dad drive moi,yinghui n serene bac........I JUZ now sum 1 ish sho dam bitchy.......URH........she sux.......2dae went 7-11 wib yinghui,xinfang,chubin,jiale n tingyan.......wib dar FISH lar.....budden yvon ish missing........went dere eat lor........den go derno wad place.........4get lerhs........I LOVE DEM NORHZ.........WHOO......den xinfang n tingyan trick us in2 saying dey lost their wallets........jiale sho ke lian 2dae...........lost her wallet.......last tyme i lost moi wallet i cry until veh chiam norhz........den we throw our food in2 dar dustbin n realise deres NO GARBADE BAG........aWW........den dar soup spill out lor........we stil sae we r HAO GONG MING........LOL!!..........went 2 dar exercise area 2 play 4 awhile..........hmm..........veh fun.....yinghui n i r tinking of joining band.........hmm..........but nort sure lar........dis fri den decide.........
heeheee.......2dae was FUN neh......saw alot peeps i mizz sho much norhz........den veh happie.......tmr 10.40 dismiss lerhs.......sho dam happie norhz........coz of dar mu gui ying thingie marhs.......n im going too....!!!!......WHOO......going wib dar FISH n serene.....!!!!.......YAY........shld bie watching intialD tmr bahs....budden yinghui carn make it coz she hab her stoopid math remedial.......haixx.........den derno if the other FISH can go marhs coz i tink dey gort band........hope dey can go bahs........hehee.......2dae went 2 lot1 wib yinghui,chubin,serene n szeling.........hmmm........szeling bcum chiower lerhs worhz...........WHOO......!!!!!........shop arnd minitoons 4 veh long tyme coz chubin wan buy prezzie 4 tingyan marhs........saw a CHIOBU dere....heess.......den went shop arnd 4 a lil while norhz............saw jane,lyria n yijia.........after tt went home norhz......hmm............hehee...........I LURBE FISH......WHOO!!!!!!!
went 2 wdlands library 2dae.......den morning moi bro suddenly cum bac from his chalet trip..........n brought his fwens home 2 watch NBA...........kao beii norhz.........after tt dey went bac 2 chalet again........SIAO LEII.........hrumph.......after tt i went wdlands library 2 mit serene,jiunyang n shao hua.........sho pai seh norhz....jy n sh dey lyk aiyo derno how 2 sae lar.......den kp missing derhs...........urh..........after tt we chose a stoopid children bk the magic wadeva lar......actuallie ish i choose 1........coz tt bk de words veh BIG........veh ez 2 read.......I LURBE BIG WORDS.......LOL........den after tt went 2 cwp.........met jane,shirley n kane.........dey were going 2 watch movie.....mr n mrs smith............WHOO....!!!!......serene,shao hua n i went arcade 4 a short lil while.........den went cyber 2 plae comp......WHOO.....!!!!!!.......veh shiok....budden alot of guys n super duper few gals derhs.......veh noisy norhz.......veh veh cheap norhz.......1hr n abt 15 min onlee $4.........hmm......after tt............moi n serene went old chang kee buy food eat norhz........ate squid head n curry puff........YUMMEE.............HOME SWT HOME AT LAST..........HOLS ENDING LERHS......I DUN WAN....!!!!!!!aWW............=((
2dae veh early in dar morning moi bro go chalet lerhs.....now im gonna call him.....hehee......went 2 cwp wib moi mom in the afternoon 2 shop 4 bags......hmm.........cwp nort much nice bags derhs sho we went junction8.........hmm........walk veh long den went 2 37 degrees shop n bought a pink sch bag........last tyme i alsho bought moi casual bag dere.........everytyme go dere alsho go tt shop derhs......hehee........I LURBE TT SHOP.......!!!!!!!newae.....i dun understan wad shao hua was toking abt.........haixx.........abt dar sc thingie.......sho blur derhs.......at nite went safra yishun country club.......hmmm........FUN..........went 2 dar swimming pool.........hehee...........after tt went 2 look at ppl play bowling norhz......coz quite late lerhs.........abt 8.30 lerhs.......den stil haben eat yet sho after tt moi uncle drive moi cousin n i 2 northpoint n we ate japanese food.......YUMMEE........reali veh YUMMEE.........hehee..........after tt went home norhz........den now veh sianz........bro nort home nobodie 2 fite wib lerhs.......siggh..........tmr going 2 woodlands library 2 do project.......hmm........derno wil do until wad tyme......haixx.......sianzz........n i juz realise tt moi japanese name ish mikako ryo.......hehee......moi cousin use her hp help moi check derhs......hmmm..........VEH FUN......stil gort love calculator.........den personality lar........alot lar........her hp reali gort alot of functions.........sho xian mu..........haixx.............sundae mayb going kbox wib jane.....YAY.....!!!!!!!.........sho happie.....hehee......long tyme no c jane lerhs.......hmm......asking yuan shiow 2 cum along too..........^.^
ytd was fun...!!!!....hahaha.....went celebrate tingyan's burfdae wib xinfang n jiale......den went kbox norhz........ate tempura....YUMMEE........xinfang hab sore throat sho sing veh few songs onlee..........haixx.........BINBIN dint cum coz of her mum......her mum go take her keys den she dun hab keys 2 go out.........siggh.....SHO SAD DERHS............if nort it wil mor fun......!!!!!.........after tt....moi n xinfang go buy movie tickets norhz..........mr n mrs smith........tt show quite nice lar........hmmm...........budden dar stoopid cinema sho dam cold derhs............leng si ren arh.........!!!!!!.......moi n jiale neber bring jackets sho we veh veh veh veh COLLLLDD.....den xinfang let us use her jacket norhz.....SHO NICE.......ahahaha..........dar show ended n we went 2 take neo.......hmm.........but onlee take once.........sho sad..........hmmpphss.........newae....HAPPIE BURFDAE TINGYAN......!!!!!!!!!........^.^........tmr going out wib moi mum........hehe.........den fri go do project.............sianzz..........sunday derno can go kbox anot.........haixx.........woohaa......i nort going class gathering 2dae........coz i veh sianz n dam tired norhs.......im gonna finish moi hw 2dae.......HOORAY..!!!
2dae went orchard wib yinghui n emily......hmm.........take mrt until somerset coz we miz dar stop.....sho gong derhs....hehe......sho take bac 2 orchard norhz.......at 1st went dere eat kfc.......den go shop shop norhzz..........den went kinokuniya........emily taught us japanese...........n it was FUN.....hehee...........stay dere 4 quite sum tyme........after tt........we went outta takashimaya n walk until derno ware lerhs........we all blur diaoz..........wan go pacific plaza budden 4get dar way lerhss..........sho walk le half n hour cai dao na li............o goshh........we r dam tired liaoz lorz...........after tt went 2 far east plazaa..........hmm..........look look dere........look look ere norhzz.................veh few ppl............hmmm............went 2 lido n bought tickets 4 dar ghost train..........hmmmm..........ITS NORT SCARY AT ALL........NORT AT ALL..........budden overall ok-ok lar...........n deres dis stoopid auntie hu has a BIG BUSHY HAIR n den kp brushing moi knee norhz.......dar place veh squeezy.........den dar cinema ALOT OF PPL......ALMOST FULL NORHZ...........i hate tt stoopid auntie.........y cant she go cut all her hair.........sho tao ren yan.........hmpphss.....=((..........went bac 2 takashimaya 2 buy tingyan's bd prezzie.......hmmm........den went home norhz.........we chat alot abt 6e den realise tt WE MIZZ 6E SHO MUCHIESS NORHZZ...........emily told moi tt rv does nort allow bgr.........if caught horz muz bie sent 4 counselling.........veh chiam horz.......hurhur........n i sho gong lorh.........misttook wad szelingg meimei sae......ahaahaa.........sho pai seh.......I LURBE YA.....!!!!!!!..........u muz lurbe moi too worhzz.........hmm.......n dun slp too late..........ITS NO GUD DE WORHZ........
whooope......going out 2 orchard wibb yinghui n emily ltr..........hmmm........now derno do wad at home......veh sianz........haixx.......at 1st moi deardear yuan shiow ish going derh.........den she cannot make it......everytyme liddat derh.......aWW.....going 2 get a sch bag coz moi present sch bag sux alot.........aWW........n moi face gort mor n mor pimples lerhs........aWW.......hate dar sight of dem.........red n big.........eeeek...........er xin........ytd moi cousins cum moi hse play norhz...........quite fun lar...........im lurving itt........wooha.........!!!!!!!
wooohaa......ytd slp at 1am..........coz went out 2 eat mahss..........hmm..........moi uuncle came moi hse ytd 2 cook crabs n prawns 4 moi cousin n i 2 eat...........YUMMEE...........!!!!!!.........after tt play comp awhile den went geylang 2 eat durians.........11.30 went dere eat durians........woohoo.........YUMMEE too.......!!!!!!.........den moi uncle drive us around geylang...........saw lotsa of prositutes.....eww.........den lotsa guys r waiting 4 dem summore.........er xin.........n I SAW 3 AH GUAS...........DEY R MALAYS........n was.......oh gross............eeek.........these few daes i hab been slping veh late.........den veh tired.......ytd tuition luckie nort until 7.30........teacher sae let us go off earlier...........PHEW.....!!!!!!!...........piano lesson.......moi cher sae i veh lan...........aWW.......tt hurts alott..............budden i reali veh lan lar........coz moi piano now dar string burst sho cannot practise..........haixx...........sianzz............
moi whole of nxt week gonna bie packed until lyk sardin fish lorhzz........aiyoyoyo.......haixxx.......den stil gort alot of hw haben finish yett.........sian DIAOXX...........grrr.........derno if can go celebrate tingyan's burfdae anot........siggh........stil gort projects haben done........haiyerr......y teachersmuz gib us sho muchhies hw 2 do derhss.........sho bad..........hmpphss........lololol................bbbbbbbloppss..........ltr stil gort dar piano lesson den tuition.........2dae tuition until veh late worhzz.........7.30pm.............haixx........i tink im gonna 2 trick moi teacher tt i hab stomache den nidda go toilet.......hehee........den tou lan............heheee............sho cleber...........><........stay inside LONG LONG............hmmm.........
dis few daes I DAM SIANZZ.........O GOSHH..........I NID STH 2 KILL MOI BOREDOM.........onlee 1 thing can do tt..........SHOPPINGGG...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........hmmmmmmm.......juz change moi blogskin........fruittiess freshhy......hmmm.........ahaahaa.......juz join dar "fish familie"........im dar fish head curry.............ahaahaa.........at 1st was fish head beehoon derhs........den bcum curry..........YUMMEE......hehee...........
WHOO!!!I PASS MOI PIANO THEORY XZAM!!!!!CARN BLIF ITT!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!if i carn pass dis tyme theory xzam den i carn take grade 6 1 den nidda retake dar whole xzam again............yoooohooo........now veh "HIGH"..........wahahahaha..........
everything sho sianz 2daee.........argghhh.........did moi hmt hw.......hehee.........sho proud of moiselff.........hmmmmmmmm
yummilicious.........2dae moi relatives cum moi hse bao zong zi.....i ate chilli crab........YOOHHOO........YUMMIEE.........veh nice..........veh veh veh nicee..........<>.........den after tt.......watch tv lor........play wib hp......plaae black jack.......speed.......n etc larr...........veh fun......i finallie won moi bro!!!........YAY....!!!!!!..........sho happie seh..........1st tyme winning him worhzz.........actuallie ish nort he gud.....hehee........ish mie lousy.......MUAHAHAHA.........den at nite eat veh little...........coz too full oredi........n i ate moi lunch at 3.30pm leii.........sho cannot eat too much.......or else wil bcum fatty bombom.........moi other cousins came at abt 7.30 liddat..........we plae games on comp n i m dam lousy lor.....i derno how 2 jump den newaee press dar keyboard.........arggh........i sux in comp gamess.........awwww...........kp singing gigi leung songs dis few dayss..........coz its TOO NICE OREDI.....hahss..........YAY......!!!!!!=DDD
ytd was fun......it was moi mum's burfdaee den mie,moi ko,dad n moi cousin at 1st went sun plaza eatt........hehee.......i ate spaghetti wib a derno wad fish larr........hahss.........nicey nicee........YUMMIE.......!!!!!!!........after tt went suntec 2 shop.......woohoo.........bought gigi leung's cd n IT WAS DAM NICEE.....!!!!!.......nicer den ocean ou and michelle n vickie wan.......o gosh.....kp on listening 2 her songss......hahsss......wen 2 njoy ice cream after tt.......i ate tiramisu.......o gosh.....it taste heavenly lorzz....moi bro order new york cheese cake.....hehee......quite nice larr.......den moi cousin,mum n dad share 1 anderson sundae.....YAY....!!!!!! took taxi 2 new park hotel 2 hab dinnerr.........i was dam full lorr.......i tink i gain alot of weight during dis holss norhzz.........we can kp on ordering dar food til we dun wan derr........hahss.......budden quite ex larr.........1 person $30........den gort 5 ppl + moi unclee......hehee.........itsssss TOO YUMMIE LER........went home after eating coz everybodie was sho dam dam tired...........n i hate tt anonymous person........awwwwww
2dae dam fun....hahs......at 1st go cwp wib yinghui den go eat chicken chops....hahss....its FATT......esp dar skin......ewww........budden nice......hahs.......after tt went gai gai 4 awhile.......went 2 buy a ring coz i lost 1 a few days ago.....go west mall gai gai awhile den on dar mrt 2 jurong point saw kelly n junjie.....shock seh......hahss......newae dey seem veh swt wib each other.......hahs......=D.......after tt walk n walk n walk....go buy honeydew drink......YUMMIE........stay dere 4 quite long.........look at dar bags again........nth reali fancy moii sho we left again n went bac 2 cwp........hahs........wanted 2 get a bag from samuel n kelvin budden dar bag out of stock liaozz......AWWWW.........den go 77th street cc.......alsho gort go classicc.......finallie reach power 9.......dar salesgurl dere SUXORZ........kp si chan lan da........wanting mie 2 buy dar billabong bag which does nort reali seem nicee.........n wen i sae ltr den i cum bac she sae wad if u cum bac ltr hor u wil nort b able 2 buy dao dar bag bcoz its gonna b purchase by other customers lerr......s if lor........she tink alot of ppl wan buy dar bags sold dere lorr..........i hate ppl hu force mie 2 buy things der........den sae her bags sho gud n blahblahblah.........in the end i told her i dun lyk dar bags n went off........den she lyk bui song liddatt.......but hu caress.......ish she hu wan 2 waste her saliva on mie.........den even ask mie y neber sae hello 2 herr.......awww..........><........go bishan after tt......went samuel n kelvin AGAIN 2 ask dem if stil gort tt bag anott........but too badd.......dun hab lerr......haixx.....sigghh.....den went 2 a derno wad shop n SAW a bag i lyk.......muahahaha.........bought itt........n deres discount too........hahss.........actual price $35 den discount ler $28.........cheapcheap.........YAY.....!!!!!........den went 2 mac buy ice milo drink.........tt drink suxx......hahss........i wan vomitt lorzz........**puke**.......ltr went home norhzz.......dam dam tired lorrzz.........eyes kp wanting 2 close but dun feel lyk closing dem....hahss........juz gort moi michelle n vickie cd .......moi bro gort dar ocean ou de.....hehee......both alsho quite nice larr......YAY.....!!!!
hmm.....going orchard wib yinghui 2dae......hehee.......ytd sms xinfang den she veh gud @ comforting others de neh.......I LUBB U AH FANGG......hahsss.........haben been doing moi hwww dis few dayss.....derno wad 2 do leii......sianzzzz........I LUBB PATTY HOU.........I LUBB HER ENTERTAINMENT SHOWSS........SHE ROX!!!!......YAY.......!!!!!..............DERNO WAD 2 WRITE LIAOZ LARRLARR.........ENDD ERE LERR....HEHE........DIS ISH AN XTREMELY....PATHETIC SHORT POSTT........AWWWWWWW...........



saw dis in sumbodie's blog.......find it CUTE....hahs...

saw dis in sumbodie's blog.......find it CUTE....hahs...
YAY......2dae went bugis.....at 1st go foodcourt eat.......den shop 4 awhile saw a bag i wanted budden i thur den go out wib yinghui n yuan shiow 2 shop 4 bags sho dun wan buy ler.......after tt went guan yin tan bai bai.....hahss......bai 4 gud health,gud results n loads larr......hahss........dun wan sae out all.......hehee......den go OG gai gai........nth veh nice dere sho went seiyu.....at 1st wanted buy a small drawer n a veh farni mirror der den go buy op pants......YAY.....happiee.......i lubb tt pants.....hahss......=P........saw 2 bian xing ren too.....eeeeekkk.........dey dun look lyk MAN lor.......OMG........if i dint heard their voice den i wont even noe tt dey r bian xing de lor.......everytime go out alsho c bian xing ren der.....derno y gen ta men hen you yuan......ewwwwww...........=(((.........reach home ler moi kor go gib moi dar veh late burfdae prezzie......YAY.......dam happie lor......a forever fwen bear,precious moments sweets n a happi house notebk..........korkor wan suii.......hahs.......yinghui,xinfang,chubin,weili,yuanshiow.....etc alsho WAN SUI......hahsss.......too mani 2 name liaoz........moi new blogskin take veh long time 2 load seh.....HATE it.....derno y sho slow derr.........haiyerrrr.........haben done most of moi hww........haixx....slacking alot.......budden dun feel lyk doing dem leii.........looking 4ward 2 thurr...........YAY......!!!!!!